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Kosmopol Masterclass - Mix with the Best!

- Curious on the bartending proffesion?​ 

- Looking for fun and dynamic team building?

- Passion for cocktails?

Then we have something for you:

Whatever reason, Kosmopol Master Class is a great way to explore the world

of cocktails and to add some spice to your dinner party!


The way forward is to contact our team to start tailor make your event.


Shake It Baby: 

When I shake you shake: Incudes a cocktail on arrival and an additional cocktail that each attandee make themself! A light and fun class.Introduction to use the tools, tequniques and some history, then each guest chooses or gets nominated a cocktail to make behind the bar. £17/guest min 6 guests.


Niblle & Shake:

Same as above but with canapes or food. Price depending on food.

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